Giáo án ôn tập English 7 - Unit 11+12

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án ôn tập English 7 - Unit 11+12

Giáo án ôn tập English 7 - Unit 11+12
 B – What was wrong with you?
A. Vocabulary:
1. wrong (adj) (with sb/sth): không ổn, có vấn 14. symptom (n): triệu chứng
 15. runny nose (n): sổ mũi
 Ex: We still don’t know what’s wrong 
with her. 16. fever (n): sốt
2. cold (n): cảm lạnh 17. cough (v): ho -> coughing (n): hành động 
3. headache (n): chứng đau đầu
 18. sneeze (v): hắt hơi
4. stomachache (n): đau dạ dày, đau bụng
 19. unpleasant (adj): (cảm thấy) khó chịu
5. sickness (n) = illness: sự đau ốm, bệnh
 20. nobody: không ai
6. sick note (n): giấy xin phép nghỉ ốm
 Ex: Nobody remembers his name.
7. virus (n): vi rút
 21. cure (v): chữa/ điều trị (bệnh)
8. flu (n): bệnh cúm
 22. medicine (n): thuốc
9. absent (adj) (from sth): vắng mặt
 23. relieve (v): làm giảm, làm bớt, làm dịu đi
10. semester (n): học kì
 24. whatever: bất kể cái gì
11. common (adj): phổ biến, thông thường
 25. last (v): kéo dài
12. disease (n): bệnh, bệnh tật
 26. prevent (v): ngăn chặn, ngăn ngừa, phòng 
13. everybody = everyone: mọi người bệnh.
B. Grammar:
1. What was wrong with you? = What was the matter with you? (Bạn có chuyện gì vậy?)
Used when the speaker is certain that you are Dùng để hỏi thăm tình trạng sức khỏe của 1 người 
unwell or acting in an unusual way, and wants to khi thấy họ có biểu hiện mệt mỏi.
know the reason.
2. Revision about Past Simple Tense (Ôn lại thì Quá khứ đơn)
 1 9. There  nobody there when I .. yesterday. (be), (arrive)
10. Na very tired when she . a bad cold two days ago. (be), (catch)
III. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence : 
1. What was Lien’s weight 2 months ago?
  How ?
2. What was wrong with you?
 What .................?
3. He’s 1 meter 60 centimeters tall.
 His .....
4. What’s the matter with him?
 What ....?
5. Peter was 55 kilos.
 Peter .
 3 B. Grammar:
 *Adverbs: Either, Neither/Nor
- Express agreement in the negative. (as compared to express agreement in the affirmative, when we 
use “too” or “so”)
- Either means “both”, “in addition”. - Neither means “similarly not”, “also not”
- Either is used in negative statement. - Neither is used in affirmative statement.
- Either stays at the end of the sentences, - Neither stays at the beginning of the sentences, 
normally after a comma (,) subject and auxiliary verb are inverted.
 S + auxiliary verb + not (+ O), either. Neither/Nor + auxiliary verb + Subject.
Ex: Ex:
* Either means “both”: He can’t speak Chinese. Neither/Nor can I. (not 
He can’t speak Chinese. I can’t, either. Neither/Nor I can) Affirmative statement – 
 Negative statement Inversion
* Either means “in addition”: 
I don’t go mountain climbing and I don’t go 
mountain walking, either.
More examples:
 First sentences Sentences express agreement with either/ 
She isn’t working today. I’m not, either.
 Neither/ Nor am I.
We don’t like fat food. I don’t, either.
 Neither/Nor do I.
 She doesn’t, either.
 Neither/ Nor does she.
He doesn’t like coffee. - His brother doesn’t, either.
 Neither/ Nor does his brother.
 - I don’t, either.
 Neither/ Nor do I.
He didn’t have a holiday last year. We didn’t, either.
 Neither/ Nor did we.
They weren’t at school last Tuesday. I wasn’t, either.
 Neither/ Nor was I.
*Trạng từ: Either, Neither/Nor (cũng không)
- Thể hiện sự tương đồng, đồng tình, đồng ý với ý phủ định. (khác với “too” or “so”)
- Either nghĩa “tương đồng”, “thêm vào”. - Neither nghĩa “tương đồng”
- Câu sử dụng either là câu phủ định. - Câu sử dụng neither là câu khẳng định.
- Either nằm ở cuối câu, thường nằm sau dấu - Neither nằm ở đầu câu, theo sau là hình thức 
 5 6. Nam is hungry, and his friends ..
7. You should drink a lot of water, and tour brother.
8. I don’t know how to cook, and. my sister.
9. Han had a medical check- up yesterday, and we .. 
10. The spinach isn’t fresh, and.. the cabbages.
II. Complete the following passage:
 Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt went .. the market. They wanted to 
 some meat, vegetables and fruit for their dinner. First, they went to the .. 
stall. There was a selection of meat on the stall: chicken, pork, and beef. Hoa doesn’t like pork and her 
aunt doesn’t . So they bought some beef. Next, they went to the . stall. 
They bought some spinach and cucumbers. Hoa likes them and  does her aunt. They are 
her aunt’s favorite vegetables. Finally, Hoa and her aunt stopped  a fruit stall. They 
wanted to buy a papaya and a pineapple, but they . ripe yet. Therefore, they bought 
 oranges instead.

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