Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: A vacation abroad

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: A vacation abroad

Bài tập ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: A vacation abroad
Lưu ý: Tất cả học sinh in ra làm và dán vào tập, phần từ vựng hs tự tra nghĩa và điền 
 1. abroad (adv) : 5. to come over (v) : 
 6. business meeting (n) 
 2. ticket (n) : 
 3. to include (v) : 7. to pick up (v) : 
 4. suitable (adj) : 
 8. bother (v): 12. single (adj) 
 9. sightseeing (n) : 13. gym (n) : 
 14. medical school (n) : 
 10. depart (v) : 15. gallery (n) 
 11. via (prep) : 
 16. humid (adj) : 18. degree (n) : 
 17. minus (adj) : 19. centigrade (adj): = Celsius: C 
 20. volcano (n) : 28. to carve (v) (into) : 
 21. lava (n) : 29. shore (n) : 
 22. pour (v) : -» pour out (v) 30. situate (v) : 
 23. overhead (adv) : 31. Great Lake (n) : 
 24. go on (v) = continue (v): 32. The Statue of Liberty (n): 
 25. wharf (n) : 
 26. valley (n) 33. Empire State Building (n): 
 27. prison (n) : 
 34. complain (v) : 37. drum (n) : 
 35. hospitable (adj) : 38. cheer (v) : 
 36. mailman (n) : 39. race (n) : 
VI. LANGUAGE FOCUS Ex: (1) He was always losing his keys. 
 ■ Hành động hoặc sự việc tình cờ xảy ra rất thường xuyên. 
 Ex: (1) I’m always meeting him in the supermarket. 
 ■ Hành động có tính liên tục. 
 Ex: He’s always working. 
 = He works the whole time. (Ông ấy làm việc suốt) 
 I. Combine each pair of sentences, using present participle (V-ing) or past participle (V-ed). 
1. The boy is Hieu. He is playing football. 
 → The boy________________________________________________________________ 
2. TV Sony is very good. It is made in Japan. 
 → Tv Sony_______________________________________________________________ 
3. The ruler is Lan’s. It is made of plastic. 
 → The ruler_______________________________________________________________ 
4. The girl is painting. She is Lien. 
 → The girl________________________________________________________________ 
5. The woman is my teacher. She is talking to the headmaster. 
 → The woman_____________________________________________________________ 
6. The road is very large. It joins two cities. 
 → The road_______________________________________________________________ 
7. Camera Cannon is made in Viet Nam. It is good and cheap. 
 → Camera Cannon_________________________________________________________ 
8. Most of goods are exported. They are made in this factory. 
 → Most of goods___________________________________________________________ 
9. The book is mine. It is lying on the table. 
 → The book_______________________________________________________________ 
10. The boy will be punished. He broke the shop window. 
 → The boy________________________________________________________________ 
11. My family is living in a house. The house was built in 2004. 
 → My family______________________________________________________________ 5. “What ________ you (do) _______ this time yesterday?” – I (work) ____________ on the 
6. It suddenly (begin)_____________rain while Laura (sit)__________________in the garden. 7. 
It (be) ___________ cold when we (leave) _____________ the house that day, and a light snow 
(fall) ______________. 
 8. When I last (see)_________them, they (try)__________to find a new house near their work. 
9. I (walk) _____________ along the street when I suddenly (feel) __________ something hit me 
in the back. I (not/know)__________________what it was. 
10.When we(drive)____________down the hill, a strange object (appear)___________in the sky. 
11. You (work)_________________in a hotel when I first (meet)______________you. 
12. She (cry)_________________when she (hear)_________________ the news. 
13. It (rain)________________when I (walking)___________________on the street. 
14. Everyone (go)___________________quiet when the concert (begin)___________________ 
15. Lan (swim)__________________in the sea when I (see)_____________________her. 
16. When my uncle (come) _______________, we (water)__________________ the plants and 
flowers in the garden. 
17. Thu (talk) _______________to her friend, Hoa, on the phone at 9 o’clock last night. 
18. Lan (practice) _________________the piano while her sister (read) _____________comics at 
7 o’clock last night. 
19. The monkeys (climb) _________________ up the trees when we (visit) _______________ the 
zoo yesterday morning. 10. John is never satisfied. He (always complains/ is always complaining). 
IV. Choose the given to complete the following sentences: while/ during/ for/ since. 
1. Mrs. Quyen has been in NewYork____________________July1st. 
2. I fell and hurt myself __________________I was playing tennis. 
3. It started to rain ____________________the match. 
4. We have played tennis _________________two hours. 
5. _________________the summer I stayed on a farm in New Mexico. 
6. I learned Italian _________________I was there. 
7. I haven’t met him __________________we left Washington. 
8. We went on holiday to Florida ____________________three weeks. 
 9. ___________________the meal we exchanged news. 
10.______________________I was talking to Barbara, I learned that Tony was in hospital. 
V. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition. 
1. Mount Rushmore can be seen ________________ more than 100 kilometers away. 
2. He bought lots of souvenirs _____________his trip. 
3. Chicago is situated ______________the shore of Lake Michigan. 
4. When they flew overhead, the lave was pouring _________________. 
5. They went _______ an eight-hour tour which included the Golden Gate Bridge in San 
Francisco. 10. left / would / if / you / I / mind / early? 
VII. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 
 1. The crowd was shouting excitedly when Nam was scoring a goal. 
 A B C D 
 2. While her mother arrived home, it was raining heavily. 
 A B C D 
 3. When the teacher was coming into the classroom, we were discussing our project. 
 A B C D 
 4. The accident was happening when it got dark. 
 A B C D 
 5. I drove to work when I suddenly met an old friend. 
 A B C D 
 6. My brother was playing football since he broke his arm. 
 A B C D 
 7. We were watching TV when the power was going out. 
 A B C D 
 8. I will pick you off at your hotel at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. 
 A B C D 
 9. My mother was preparing dinner when my father comes home yesterday evening. 
 A B C D 
 10. Yesterday when my father was visiting Nha Rong Port, I was going shopping. 
 A B C D 
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using “always+ Ving” 
 1. She left her pen at home again. 
 She_______________________________________________________________________ 
 2. I have lost my keys again. 
 I__________________________________________________________________________ 
 3. She has forgotten her glasses again. 
She________________________________________________________________________ -florist 
ocean oceanic 
-flight fly 
arrival arrive 
departure depart 
tribe tribal 
 • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses. 
 1. We had a four-day vacation in that coastal town. _____________________, it rained 
 hard almost every day. (fortunate) 
 2. You can get all__________________ you need on the internet. (inform) 
 3. That region in the North of the country is very_____________________. (mountain) 
 4. “Does the price of the holiday include___________________?” I asked the tourist 
 officer. (accommodate) 
 5. I was amazed by the___________________ of the scenery. (magnificent) 
 6. The hotel is located in the________________ district of the city. (center) 
 7. My hobbies ae traveling and _____________________. (photo) 
 8. He was ____________________ in having some good friend to help him. (fortune) 
 9. The new hotel can _________________ 600 guests at a time. (accommodation) 
 10. The table was placed____________________ with six nice chairs around. (center) 
 11. I think you are very__________________. You look very nice in these photos. 
 12. This dictionary is a little too expensive for me, but it is extremely______________. 
 13. There are ten______________ from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City every day. (fly) 
 14. The _______________ institute in Nha Trang was built many years ago. (ocean) 
 15. His _________________ was quite unexpected. (depart) 
 16. Those people live in the _______________________ area. (mountain) 
 17. These regions have many ____________________ landscapes. (picture) 2. She seemed never to forget her _______________husband for the rest of her life. (depart) 
3. She could feel the _______________ of the child’s hand in her own. (warm) 
4. I prefer the dry season to the _______________season because I didn’t like very wet 
 weather. (rain) 
5. The children were __________________well behaved all that morning. (surprise) 
6. Many people go into the film industry to look for ______________and fortune. (famous) 
7. We have had no news from him since his ________________ from the town. (depart) 
8. A computer screen shows the ______________and departure times of the planes. (arrive) 
9. He traveled across the ________________fields by sleigh. (snow) 
10. I was almost ________________at her early arrival. (surprise) 
11. She greeted all the guests _____________________when they arrived. (warm) 
12. His house is on the top of a hill. It’s very ________________ there in the fall. (wind) 
13. They have a ____________________time in Hawaii. (wonder) 
14. The people there are very ________________and _______________. (friend/ help) 
15. Our ___________________ is included in the ticket price. (accommodate) 
16. The local people were very ____________________ to us. (hospitality) 
17. ____________________, he couldn’t join in our trip because he was too busy. (fortune) 
18. Tomorrow the weather in our city is warm and __________________. (sun) 
19. The sun is hidden by a ___________________. (cloud) 
20. Were you out in the ______________________? (rainy) 
21. We had a light ___________________yesterday. (snowy) 
22. The _____________was blowing from the south. (windy) 
23. Stay with us until you find own _________________________. (accommodate) 
24. I’d like to visit Australia because Australian people are very _______________. (friend) 
25. Most of tourist like visiting ______________ village. (tribe) 
26. Some _________________ are not immediately dangerous because they are not active. 
27. __________________, her illness was more serious than we thought. (fortune) 
28. It’s not easy to find cheap ____________________ at busy time. (accommodate) 
29. I found the trip very ______________. (excite) 
30. London is _________________for its buildings and churches. (fame) 2. Mrs. Quyen (do) ____________ shopping while Mr. Thanh (attend) ____________ a business meeting. 
3. During the English class yesterday, it (be) ____________ hard for us to concentrate because the 
students next door (make) ____________ so much noise. 
4. When she (come) ____________ into the room, I (listen)____________ to the radio. 
5. It was late, so we decided (take) ____________ a taxi home. 
IV. Use the correct word form of the word given in each sentence. 
1. I’d like to visit Australia because ____________ people are ____________ . (AUSTRALIA - 
2. It’s not easy to find cheap ____________ at busy times. (ACCOMMODATE) 
3. Most tourists like visiting ____________ villages. (TRIBE) 
4. There are ____________ ways of solving the problem. (VARIETY) 
5. I found the trip very ____________ . (EXCITE) 
6. London is ____________ for its historic buildings and churches. (FAME) 
7. You must take the injured person to the hospital ____________ . (IMMEDIATE) 
8. I’d like to hear your ____________ for ways of raising money. (SUGGEST) 
V. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. 
We are having a (1) ____________ time in Hoi An. The streets here are so narrow that cars are not 
allowed to enter the center of the town. Therefore we have to (2) ____________ . The houses are very 
old but beautiful. However, I don’t like the way they do business. It (3)____________ that every 
house has a shop to sell (4) ____________ and other stuff. The people are very (5)____________ and 
helpful. The food looks funny but it (6) ____________ quite nice. 
1. a. wonder b. wondered c. wonderful d. X 
2. a. go on foot b. walk c. fly d. both a and b 
3. a. seems b. seem c. seemed d. none is correct 
4. a. gift b. souvenirs c. person d. people 
5. a. friends b. friendly c. friendless d. friendship 
6. a. taste b. tasty c. tastes d. tasted 
VI. Read the passage carefully. Then decide whether each of the following statements is 
London is Britain’s biggest City. It is the City of historic buildings and churches, and it has many 
beautiful parks. It also has some of the best museums in the world. London is very crowded in 
summer. It is a popular City with foreign tourists and has more than eight million visitors a year. 
The City is famous for its shopping and department Stores. London has an excellent underground 
railway System, so it is easy for tourists to get around. 
True or False? 5. seen from / Mount Rushmore / more than 100 kilometers away / can be /. 

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