Giáo án ôn tập English 8 - Tuần 34: Travelling around Vietnam

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Giáo án ôn tập English 8 - Tuần 34: Travelling around Vietnam
1. –ing participle
Hình thức : Verb + -ing
Ex : reading, writing, running 
Nghĩa: đang  (vd: đang đọc sách, đang nói chuyện, đang học bài)
Ex: The boy reading a book is Ba
Vị trí:
-Đứng sau danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
Ex: The student talking to John is Nam
2. –ed participle
Hình thức : V3/V-ed
Ex: written, broken, opened
Nghĩa: được  (vd: được tái chế, được thiết kế, được công nhận)
Ex: The oil lamp made in China is 5 dollars
Vị trí: 
-Đứng sau danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
Ex: The flower pot recycled from a plastic bottle is beautiful.
3. Requests: 
o Would / Do you mind if ? 
 Would you mind if + S + past simple.
Would you mind if I smoked?
Would you mind if I sat here?
 Do you mind if + S + present simple.
Do you mind if I smoke? Do you mind if 
3. Shall I use our phone to make a call?
 Do you mind if 
 Would you mind if
4. Can I leave the class early?
 Would you mind if 
 Do you mind if
5. Could I open up your luggage? I need to look inside.
 Do you mind if 
 Would you mind if
6. Can I move the refrigerator to the right corner?
 Do you mind if 
 Would you mind if 
 ? Would you mind 
13. Can you take me a photograph?
 Do you mind 
 Would you mind 
14. Could you wait a moment, please?
 Do you mind 
 Would you mind 
15. Will you turn down the TV, please?
 Do you mind 
 Would you mind 
16. Please make some tea.
 Do you mind 
 Would you mind Could you.....................................................................................................................................
5. Do you want to come for dinner tonight?
 Would you....................................................................................................................................
6. Will you permit me to use your dictionary?
 I hope you don’t mind .................................................................................................................
7. The girls who are playing chess are Nga and Hoa.
 The girls .......................................................................................................................................
8. The paintings that were stolen from the museum haven’t been found yet.
 The paintings ...............................................................................................................................
IV. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. I can see a boy a water buffalo. 1. ...
A. riding B. ride C. to ride D. rode
2. Would you mindthe windows? 2. ..
A. to close B. closing C. close D. closed
3. My sister likes sweet from chocolate. 3. .
A. making B. made C. to make D. that make
4. “Would you mind closing the window?” “” 4. .
A. No, I’m afraid not. B. No, of course not. C. No, I can’t D. I’d rather you didn’t
5. Would you mind if I ? 5. ...
A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. will smoke
6. The road down to the sea is very rough. 6. ..
A. going B. goes C. to go D. gone
7. The animal in the forest fire was a wild pig? 7. .
A. hurt B. hurts C. hurted D. hurting
8. Do you mind here for just a minute? 8. .
A. to wait B. waited C. about waiting D. waiting
9. The house on the hill started slipping. 9. ...

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