Giáo án ôn tập English 9 - Unit 6: Language focus - Lesson 4: Read

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án ôn tập English 9 - Unit 6: Language focus - Lesson 4: Read

Giáo án ôn tập English 9 - Unit 6: Language focus - Lesson 4: Read
 Unit Six
 TYPE IF - clause MAIN clause 2. + Noun phrase
 ( be +) due to
 V –ing phrase
 d. We delayed our trip because the weather was bad.
 • We delayed our trip because of the bad weather.
 e. Sue’s eyes were red because she had been crying.
 • Because of crying, Sue’s eyes were red.
 f. His low grade was due to lack of study.
 ( His low grade was caused by lack of study.)
 3. Noun phrase
 • Noun + of + noun
 • Noun ‘s + noun
 • (a/ an/ the/ my/his/..) + adjective + NOUN
 • An adjective is a word or a set of word to modify a noun or a pronoun 
 eg: It is a cute dog.
 You can see a high school senior from the long didtance.
 • An adverb is a word or a set of word to modify a verb, an adjective or another 
 eg: Jorge works out strenuously.
 That old man is living in a basement.
 ❖ Adjective – Adverb
1. He acted excellently.
He was.................................................................................................................................................
2. They learn English easily. successful at
 surprised at
 terrible at
 slow at
 lucky at
C. adjective + by D. adjective + for
• We were amazed by his • You are eligible for bonus pay.
 • We were not prepared for his 
• They were not impressed by answer.
 your argument.
 • Who is responsible for this?
• Were you surprised by his 
 eager for
 eligible for
 amazed by famous for
 delighted by grateful for
 disturbed by notorious for
 excited by prepared for
 fascinated by ready for
 impressed by renowned for
 inspired by responsible for
 astonished by respected for
 shocked by sorry for
 surprised by suitable for
 thankful for
E. adjective + from F.adjective + in
• This cake is made from coconut. • I am disappointed in you.
• The city is not safe from • He isn't experienced in sales.
 • Was he successful in his 
• Is this material free from efforts?
 disappointed in I.adjective + with
 • I am blessed with robust health.
 • Unusually, the town was not crowded with tourists.
 • Are you familiar with the controls?
angry with confronted with disappointed with ok with
associated with content with fed up with pleased 
bored with crowded with familiar with popular 
blessed with delighted with furious with satishfied 
with A. I lived far from school. B. I lived close to school.
 C. I live near the school now. D. I don’t live very far from school
18. If he __________ hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow?
 A. works B. will work C. worked D. would worked
19. Because there _________ no buses, we had to take a taxi.
 A. are B. is C. was D. were
20. We plan to ________ this Saturday.
 A. go hiked B. go hiking C. go to hike D. go hike
II. Complete the sentences with because/ as/ since/ if/ when, or so.
1. We decided to go out to eat _______ we had no food at home.
2. He has a very important job _______ he is particularly well-paid.
3. Can I borrow that book _______ you’ve finished it?
4. No one was watching the television _______ I switched it off.
5. _______ she changed a lot, we didn’t recognize her.
6. _______ you’ve ready, we can start now.
7. I’m going away for a few days, I’ll phone you _______ I get back.
8. You should inform the police _______ your bicycle is stolen.
9. Mathew went to bed _______ it was too late to go out.
10. _______ you drive without driving license, you’re breaking the law.
III. Give correct formation of these words
1. The air in the city is ___________ (pollute)
2. Please listen to the lecture ____________ (care)
3. An accident happened because of driving ____________ (care)
4. He was ____________ (disappoint) that they were not coming.
5. Air and water _____________ (pollute) can make people fall ill.
6. Plastic bags will cause _____________ (pollute).
7. Mr Brown is one of the ___________ (conserve)
8. We should make our world _____________ (pollute)
9. I'm ____________ (disappoint) that you didn't do your homework.
10. Listen me ___________ (care) you can solve the problem.
IV. Rewrite these sentences by using "because".
1. He couldn't meet you because of being busy.
2. She went to bed early because of her sickness.
3. We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely weather.
4. I can't play volleyball because of my height.
5. We can't swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water
V. Rewrite these sentences by using "because of"
1. She can't work hard because she is very old.
2, He likes her because of she is very beautiful.
3. He broke the vase because he was careless.

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